Healthy Snack List for Ms. Meyer’s Class!

On Fridays we will have a special snack day (at the end of the day) when students may enjoy a healthy snack.  Plain or chocolate milk may also be purchased from the cafeteria that day.  Just send in .35 on Friday if your child wants milk.  Below is a list of some healthy snacks.  Any snacks not on this list will be sent back home.  If you have other ideas for a healthy snack please let me know so I can expand our list.  The school does not provide any snacks.  Remember - Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds!

Any type of Fruit (sliced apples, orange sections, grapes, raisins, bananas, sliced kiwi, cherries, etc.)

Fruit Roll-ups

Any Type of Vegetable (carrot sticks, celery, cherry tomatoes) and/or dip

Cheerios (or other unsweetened dry cereal)

Graham Crackers (with peanut butter tastes great!)

Vanilla Wafers


Nutri-Grain Bar (or other health bar)

Pretzels or Cheese-Nips

Peanut Butter or Cheese Crackers

Fruit Drinks with fruit juice in them

No chocolate on any snack